First Century Ministry In The Twenty First Century

First Century Ministry In The Twenty First Century

by John K. Mathew Pastoral ministry in a fast changing globalized world is a major concern for many. It is true that ministry in the 21st century requires well educated ministers, but godly character and dependence on an all-sufficient God cannot be over looked. As a third generation preacher with extensive experience as a pastor and [...]
Smart Isn’t Enough

Smart Isn’t Enough

by Kenton R. Hill Rarely do we see people succeed simply because they are smart. Even technical skills and experience are not enough if a person is only smart. True, long-term success in any endeavor is almost always sustained by emotional intelligence. At the heart of "Smart Isn't Enough" are six stories. True stories that [...]
Dear Carrie

Dear Carrie

by Kathleen Haun Letters written in 1878 by a young woman new to the West, and found in an old trunk in the twenty-first century, reveal the daily life of a bygone era in the towns along the Eastern Sierra of California. Revealed are the early pioneers who settled this part of the state, the early [...]
I Hate Walt

I Hate Walt

by Vicki Andree "I Hate Walt!" is the inspirational story of Mary Lou Stots, a young woman who works for Walt Pederson. Walt is a modern-day Scrooge who has little respect for women in general and none for her. Even though she is the top salesperson in his business, Walt mocks her and humiliates her any [...]
Life – Enjoy the Ride

Life – Enjoy the Ride

by Lee Monday Ph. D. Do you find yourself "stuck" in relationships that are not satisfying? Are you in a work position that is no longer fulfilling? Do you feel anxious about choices that you need to make? Do you live in the past or are you worrying about the future? The story in this [...]
True Devotion to Mary

True Devotion to Mary

by St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort This book is a new English translation of a classic 18th century French work by St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort. It is THE seminal treatise on Marian devotion, a must read for anyone wishing to delve more deeply into the core of Catholic spirituality and the eternal quest for [...]
Dream Zone

Dream Zone

by Elaine M. Kuzmeskus Vivid dreams, astral travel, and clairvoyant visions are all routine occurrences for Elaine Kuzmeskus. Her fascination with dreams began in childhood and eventually led to her career as a medium. Dreams have also been an inspiration in her writing career.


by Mary Walsh An American champion at heart, "The Magnificent Sham" achieved an unofficial record for the second-fastest time in the history of the Kentucky Derby. He remains second only to the legendary Secretariat. Ironically, challenging Secretariat for the 1973 Triple Crown abruptly shattered his quest for fame and almost ended his life. This compelling book [...]
The Dawn From On High

The Dawn From On High

by Deacon Peter Hodsdon "The Dawn From On High" is an inspiring compilation of Deacon Peter's homilies and reflections, drawn from many years of teaching and preaching. Those familiar with his earlier work, "The Path of Life," will once again recognize the depth and clarity of his insights in this all new collection. The book [...]
Unfinished Miles

Unfinished Miles

by Mark Manion Hallucinations, dreams, angels, and a miraculous recovery are all humorously but soberly woven into this heart-gripping autobiography. Mark and his cousin Mike were in a horrible crash while bicycling across the United States. Mark literally almost lost his head and was left paralyzed from the neck down. Sixteen years later, through a [...]
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