Hitler: Stalin’s Stooge

Hitler: Stalin’s Stooge

by James B. Edwards Hitler was the stooge Stalin used to start World War II. Stalin was the "eminence gris" behind the rise of Hitler and the Nazis to power. Stalin envisioned World War II as a replay of World War I, in which the Europeans would destroy each other and be ripe for conquest. [...]
Cabbages and Kings

Cabbages and Kings

by James B. Edwards Space Pioneer Rollin Gillespie: the man who conceived of NASA and ARPA. Gunfighter: the Navy's first supergun project. The March Hare: "Light as a feather; strong as a tank". "Ragged Dick": in the securities business. Patton's assault on the Rhine at St. Goar. Alpenstrasse/Tegerness; Mosel/Rhine.
Crystal Lake

Crystal Lake

by Roy Marshall with Janielle Kenworthy For Charley Willey, editor of the Lewis Standard, things were not going well. He was sick, he was going blind, and his paper was losing money. The Iowa Highway Commission made him a promise, broke it, and forever diminished his town. The state had some making up to do. [...]
Chasing the Dream

Chasing the Dream

by Kathleen Haun In Kathleen Haun's fifth book, she invites us into the ramshackle mining camps of the 1848 California gold rush during a time in history that changed the state, the country and the world in dramatic and unexpected ways. When enterprising women heard that miners would pay for good food, they traveled to the [...]
For The Love Of Opera

For The Love Of Opera

by George W. Fellows Opera is theater. The idea of acting out a story with music and movement is as old as humankind. The Greeks paved the way with their theatrical presentations, and by the time of the Italian Renaissance all the ingredients for opera were taking shape. Around 1600 Claudio Monteverdi composed the great [...]
Dear Carrie

Dear Carrie

by Kathleen Haun Letters written in 1878 by a young woman new to the West, and found in an old trunk in the twenty-first century, reveal the daily life of a bygone era in the towns along the Eastern Sierra of California. Revealed are the early pioneers who settled this part of the state, the early [...]
The Iron Men of Metz

The Iron Men of Metz

by Tobias O. Vogt The Iron Men of Metz is a colorful collection of oral histories offered in their entirety. The book begins with the circumstances leading up to World War II and an overview of the African, European and Pacific Theaters of Operation. An outline of the division's actions carries the reader along the blazing [...]
Vinyl Lives On

Vinyl Lives On

by James P. Goss Vinyl Lives On spotlights several well known musician/collectors and includes in-depth interviews with sixteen U.S. music retailers. Featured musicians: Theo Dasbach - singer/songwriter/pianist; Founder, Rock and Blues Museum, Clarksdale, Mississippi Ray Benson - singer/songwriter/guitarist/producer; Co-Founder, Asleep at the Wheel Henry Rollins - singer/songwriter/actor/radio show host; Black Flag, Rollins Band Bill Frisell - [...]
Mwen Ka Ale

Mwen Ka Ale

by Marise La Grenade-Lashley "Mwen Ka Ale" presents the story of Grenada's French-lexicon Creole in narrative and multimedia form. The voices of the aged keepers of this rich language bring its history to life, providing a bridge that links past to present."

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